The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec (2010) is probably Luc Besson having the most fun I’ve seen him have as a director. His love for the source material is clear (he also wrote the adaptation) and he more or less made a children’s movie out of the comics but it works.
The Revision: Whiteout
Making a Whiteout movie seems like it would’ve been easy. You have an actress who is skilled at both drama and action. You have an unusual environment to set a murder mystery in. You have two volumes of well-plotted source material to work from. How bad could it be? In this case, very bad.
The Revision: Persepolis
You have a friend who had this book, even if they didn’t read comics regularly. They may have even had the edition where it was two volumes. For a very long time, Persepolis was the comic for people who didn’t read comics.
The Revision: Sakuran
Moyoco Anno’s Sakuran follows a rebellious young woman, eventually named Kiyoha, as she rises up from being a maid in a brothel to a very popular courtesan and all the ups and downs involved. It’s not romanticizing this life but it’s not shaming any of the women involved, either.
The Revision: Nana
Let me be immediately clear about my bias here — Ai Yazawa’s Nana is one of the best comics of all time. I do not care to argue about this one way or another. You should just accept this as fact.