City Without Baseball (2008, directed by Lawrence Ah Mon and Scud) is notable in that it stars real Hong Kong baseball players as the characters. Also, there’s a lot of male nudity. The movie revolves around a vague love triangle plot between rookie relief pitcher, […]
The Batter’s Eye: If the Sun Rose in the West
Umpires are the unsung heroes of baseball.
The Batter’s Eye: A League of Their Own
A League of Their Own (1992, directed by Penny Marshall) caps off the peak baseball movie era, injecting it with a much-needed focus on women, who often are ignored or mostly irrelevant in baseball movies. The movie is lighthearted in its approach to the material, […]
The Batter’s Eye: Major League
Baseball stories are full of underdogs and misfits.
The Batter’s Eye: Field of Dreams
Field of Dreams is arguably the most-well known baseball movie. “If you build it, they will come” remains such a solid piece of pop culture that it almost doesn’t matter if you’ve seen the movie or not. You already know Field of Dreams.