Bull Durham (1988, directed by Ron Shelton) is the first of the classic baseball movies starring Kevin Costner. That doesn’t have much to do with anything but I felt like pointing it out.
The Batter’s Eye: Lee Jang-ho’s Baseball Team
Baseball is considered an American sport, but it’s not exclusively one. When putting together my list of baseball movies, I wanted to make sure I did capture an international perspective on the game. But maybe Lee Jang-ho’s Baseball Team (1986, directed by Lee Jang-ho) wasn’t […]
The Batter’s Eye: The Natural
the Natural is good. It’s even great in that award-bait way, which this absolutely is. Nothing here is particularly surprising, but there is an economy to the filmmaking that lets this movie breathe.
The Batter’s Eye: The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings
The comedy and the cast are excellent, but what really impressed me about The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings (1976, directed by John Badham) is it’s also a fun look at baseball history.
The Batter’s Eye: Bad News Bears
One thing I love about baseball is how open and accepting it is. It’s a game anyone can play, even if they can’t play it well.